How to choose a brush for your dog?

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Brushes and combs are one of the most necessary tools for every groomer, breeder, pet owner, and handler. They are different, although they serve the same purpose - our assistants in combing. They vary from each other by different functions and are designed for different types of coats. I know that the quality of the tool affects not only how your pet will look, but also your health because constant brushing gives a quite huge load on your wrist. That’s why it is always important to choose professional grooming tools. 


How to get a dog used to brush?


You should start adapting your pet to the combing procedure from puppy age. Since the puppy’s coat is still short and naughty, it still doesn’t require brushing so often, but your task is to use this period for the pet’s positive emotions and get it used to hygiene procedures. Do this regularly, persistently, and carefully, so that the puppy loves these procedures. Use praise words and treats to make the brushing a positive experience for your pet. Before brushing, brush your own hand to test the amount of pressure. 


Types of brushes


Slicker Brushes. This type of brush has frequent rows of curved thin pins. They are very universal and suitable for all breeds and coat types. As I like to say, it’s a must-have for every pet owner. Slicker brushes differ in size, shape, and pin length, so you should choose them according to your pet’s size and hair length. Slickers are perfect for daily brushing or combing through tangles. I mostly use a slicker brush for brushing the fur while blow-drying it.


Pin Brushes. The pins of these brushes are thick and rounded, so they are perfect for massaging the skin. The massage helps stimulate hair growth by improving blood circulation. Pin brushes have various shapes - round, oval, oblong, and can differ in size. I use the pin brush when the coat is already combed and there are no tangles left. These brushes are especially useful for pets with long, dropped fur but can be used for any coat type. 


Powder Brushes. Small powder brushes made of natural bristles are ideal for spreading the fur care powder into the roots of the pet's hair. Also, this type of brush is very convenient to clean the muzzle after grooming.


Combs.  Combs are made of special alloys, very strong and light, and they have different lengths and densities of pins. It is usually used as finishing combing through the coat, to check if there are no tangles or mats left. Also, combs are great for grooming since it helps lift the hair from the skin and shape it. Combs are very useful for long, double, dropped, fluffy, and curly coat dogs. Some combs have a tail – they are called Rattail combs. This comb is necessary for drop-coated breeds. With the help of a tail, it is convenient to separate the coat for further processes, like putting the rubber band or bow.


Qualities to look for when choosing a brush


Durable and high-quality materials. I recommend using a brush or comb with stainless steel pins. The high-quality pin has no micro-cracks which could break the hair while brushing it. Also, pay attention to the handle. For brushes, the handle should be sturdy and non-slip, preferably made of hardwood. For combs, I choose an aluminum handle so the tool would be light for my hand.


Soft pillow. When choosing a brush, take one with a soft cushion. It is especially relevant for slicker brushes. The soft cushion works as a shock absorber and helps the brush to adapt to the curves of the pet's body without irritating the skin during the brushing.


Rounded pins. Whether you are choosing a pin brush, slicker brush, or combs, the pins should always be rounded. This ensures that you won’t damage or scratch the pet’s skin while brushing. 


Ergonomic. Brushing tools should be light and feel comfortable in your hand. This way the brushing process will be easier, quicker, and more convenient, preventing wrist straining. 


I have been living with dogs for more than 35 years, almost my whole life. This has allowed me to get to know them better, look into their needs, and acquire grooming skills. I realized how much information, effort, and experience the groomer profession requires, combined with how physically challenging it is. Due to my love for pets, this profession, and my long-term experience, I have grasped what tools are needed to make the groomer's life much easier. Professional grooming tools not only allow for a faster grooming process, but they also protect and care for the groomer's health. 


During the many years, I have worked with pets, I have made many observations and findings that have allowed me to create an effective care system. It consists of natural skin and coat care products, innovative equipment, and professional grooming tools. I am so glad that the tools section has been added this year with thoroughly created novelties – Tauro Pro Line combs and brushes. These are comfortable and light tools made from long-lasting materials that allow you to comfortably brush out the pet’s coat without scratching his skin. The ergonomic design allows the tool to adapt to the hand movements of the groomer and decrease the wrist load.


I invite you to discover these tools, which will ease the labor of the groomer and provide comfort for the pet!


Breeding dogs for more than 35 years brought me to my mission – to understand and create the best products for pets. I’m ready to share my long-tested and thoroughly created pet care system with you!
- Janita J. Plunge

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